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Law Roach Announces Retirement

Posted on March 21 2023

Law Roach Announces Retirement

On Tuesday March 14th 2023 around 11:00am Celebrity stylist law Roach shocked the internet by announcing his retirement via post on Instagram. Leaving thousands shocked and bewildered. Law Roach captioned this in the post that had everyone in a frenzy.  

"My Cup is empty. . . . thank you to everyone who've supported me and my career over the years. Every person that trusted me with their image, I'm so grateful for you all. If this business was just about the clothes I would do it for the rest of my life but unfortunately it's not! The politics, the lies and false narratives finally got me! You win ... I'm out."

Every word that he wrote was felt, seen, and heard by many. Many supporters and fans of his work are crushed upon hearing the news. Some are still left confused wondering if this means we will never see or hear from Law Roach again. Only time will tell.

I am hoping that he will return to fashion in some capacity, but I understand where he's coming from and respect how he feels. Many alike also have expressed the same sentiments online and are hoping that we're being punk'd or the feelings will pass and we will have Law Roach back.

I personally love his styling and wanted to take a moment to give him his flowers and acknowledge the material. Enjoy these looks that Law Roach has styled over the years. 

Here's an interview he did with The Cut for New York Magazine in his own words describing his life and his experiences in the industry. Its one hour long but if you're into fashion I highly recommend tuning in.

Watch it here



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